Dirty Air: Dirty Blood!

Did you know that you breathe about 150 liters of air daily and that the air you breathe goes directly to your lungs and bloodstream?

Dr. George Mwaniki, the head of Air Quality at the World Resources Institute (WRI) Africa, says breathing in dirty air sucks in tiny particles that can damage lungs, hearts, and brains.

The world health organization reckons that reducing air pollution levels can reduce the burden of diseases like stroke, heart disease, lung cancer, and chronic and acute respiratory diseases, including asthma. In 2019, 1.1 million people died due to household air pollution in Africa.

What will the air pollution series entail? 

Globally, air pollution causes over 7 million deaths annually according to Lancet. In Nairobi, Kenya, Dr. Mwaniki reckons that around 22,000 people die annually due to impacts of air pollution. UNICEF says Nigeria, recorded 78 percent of air pollution-related pneumonia deaths among children under five years in 2019.

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