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Africa at COP26: Our Position


The African Group of Negotiators (AGN) on Climate Change Ambassador Seyni Nafo says Africa has a better understanding of the financial resources the continent requires to build its resilience barely a week before the 26th UN Climate summit (COP26) at Glasgow. Will Africa manage to push for a new post-2020 climate finance plan?

Covid 19 has already demonstrated the availability of funds when a crisis occurs. Unfortunately, a 2021 report by nature shows that when it comes to providing finance for the climate crisis twelve years since Copenhagen, when developed countries promised to make available USD 100 billion annually for poor counties to address the climate crisis, it is clear – we are not yet there.

However, a September OECD assessment of progress report indicates that developed countries provided and mobilised USD 79.6 billion in 2019. The goal was to have been met the USD 100 billion mark annually in 2020 and to be sustained to 2025.

Listen to why Africa will be pushing for recognition for its special needs and circumstances at COP26.

African countries have shown their commitment to the Paris agreement by submitting Nationally Determined Contributions requiring USD 3trillion to implement. But at COP26, will developing countries raise their ambitions on promises and providing finance? How do developing countries ensure accountability and actions from their rich nations counterparts?

Climate change impacts are becoming frequent and severe. In September, due to rising temperatures, Madagascar suffered a climate change-induced famine as it experienced its worst drought in 40 years. The disaster is the beginning of severe ones as world temperatures rise; who pays for the loss and damage caused by climate change?

What is the African position on the Warsaw Loss and Damage mechanism, carbon markets under article 6, and adaptation? With most African delegates expected not to attend COP26 due to financial constraints, Covid19 restrictions, among other issues, how will the few delegates ensure the African voices are heard? Would you or your institution like to contribute scientifically to the negotiations, listen to Ambassador Nafo on how you can get in touch with the negotiators.

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